A to Z Challenge 2013

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Madness - Workin' In A Coal Mine

There are times when I truly wish I had chosen another career path.  As you can see from the lack of posts last week, it was a busy time for me.  Between all the chaos at work and trying to finish up my class, I had absolutely no energy.  Working a 17 hour day on Friday until about 11 pm didn't help much either.

Yeah, the life of a glorified Server Administrator isn't all it's cracked up to be.  I know most people think we just hit a few buttons now and then before getting back to our Xbox game or something (heck, my wife mimes that very activity at me all the time when she feels like giving me crap).  After all, computers are usually quite orderly.  They do what they've been told to do.  When things truly break however (as opposed to those things we IT guys like to call features of the software), it's rare that the problem is easy to fix.  This is when us IT guys put in the extra hours, working through the night if need be to make sure Joe Schmoe can get to his email on Monday morning.

Needless to say, I didn't find much time (or energy) to say hi to everyone and put in a post or two.  I actually feel a bit bad because I didn't even stop by anyone's blogs this weekend.  I like to keep up on what everyone else has to say, even if some days I don't have anything to say :)

In any event, I'm performing cleanup from Friday's mess and still wondering why I chose this particular field.  Maybe that's why I'm trying to become a better writer.  Heck, if it weren't for the pay, I'd probably just shift gears and do it full time.  Sigh...


Amanda Bonilla said...

I don't blame you for being off the radar! I'm having an issue with my new Outlook '10 and I want to strangle someone! You're pretty darn composed considering you work with computers all day. I'd be going NUTS!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Everything I've learned how to do on my computer has been self taught. I can't imagine trying to grasp the finer codes you deal with. As for writing, life sometimes gets in the way, but should always take precedence. (Hugs)Indigo

Unknown said...

Hang in there...times and seasons. IT can be a very thankless job add that to co-workers that have personalities of rocks and it can be frustrating. It is great to have writing as an outlet and escape.

Windy Aphayrath said...

You know, I think everyone goes through that "what was I thinking?!?!?" about their career of choice at some point or another. I'm a Sourcing Analyst (yes, EVERYONE asks me what that means). And I'm with you--maybe that's why I write too!

Unknown said...

My husband does IT and this sounds so familiar. I'm sorry it's been rough!!

Abby Annis said...

You mean you really don't sit around playing Xbox all day?! ;)

I've always enjoyed learning the ins and outs of how computers work, and actually considered this as a career path at one point. I decided against it after maintaining the computers for a small company I used to work for. I hated that every time something went wrong (which happens a lot when you refuse to scrap your 10-year-old machines but want to use all the latest programs), I had to drop whatever I was doing and go in to work, because everyone will die without their computers. I'm not bitter about it at all. ;)

So, though it's not really the same thing (or the even close to the same magnitude), I feel your pain. A little bit, at least. I hope things slow down for you soon. :)

Eric said...

Thanks everyone, for commiserating with me. I'm mostly recovered :)

myun said...
